Sealyham Terrier
Small dog breeds

Origin: | Uk |
Size Type: | Small dog breeds |
Height: | 11 inches (28 cm) |
Weight: | 9 kg |
Form of ear: | Lop-eared |
Form of a tail: | In practice dock |
Life span: | 13-14 years |
Japanese Site: | Sealyham Terrier |
Late 19th century in Wales Heibafodouesuto are Tsukuri出Sa by Captain John Edwards, after the earth's lands, this named after him. Since we have the courage to confront such a beast would shrink another dog, Fox, Bull, was considered as Dinmont terrier ancestors. Relatively new small working dog.
Wire Fox Terrier is similar to, but heavier than that weight, with short limbs. The body is compact and muscular. The head is rectangular button-like ears. Long cheek whiskers, eyebrows have not been covered in shaggy divided. Rough wiry coat. Dark eyes.
There is humor, eager to please people. The rich sociability, and an excellent watchdog.
Hair color but white, tan, sometimes lemon, sometimes take Badger markings.
How to Care & How to Train
Matt would like to prevent the courts, the need grooming at least twice a week. To keep the dog more comfortable, we need stripping and plucking.
The motion put to lead to long walks. Good character development and help this dog.
Disease to be careful
Deafness, glaucoma, lens luxation, cataracts, retinal atrophy Progressive Pan-retinal abnormal formation, lens luxation
Disease that can be seen occasionally
Hearing impairment
Inspection want to
Ophthalmologic examination