9 breeds
Irish Water Spaniel
Large dog breeds/ I/ Ireland
The largest of the spaniel, a round face and a sharp throughout the body. Ears...
Irish Wolfhound
Large dog breeds/ I/ Ireland
Big muscular body. Length longer than body height, waist draw the arch. The abdominal wound...
Irish Setter
Large dog breeds/ I/ Ireland
Sturdy frame with style. The meat is thin with long thin head. Fair length coat...
Irish Terrier
Medium dog breeds/ I/ Ireland
Side square and resembles a Fox Terrier, but more withers. Ear of the button is...
Irish Red and White Setter
Large dog breeds/ I/ Ireland
Body muscle, solid bone, deep chest, back, both hips are tight. The domed skull, broad...
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Small dog breeds/ G/ Ireland
Shape is similar to Welch Corgi, and compact size. One attractive feature of this dog...
Kerry Blue Terrier
Medium dog breeds/ K/ Ireland
In figure similar to the Fox Terrier, is square when viewed from the side. Ear...
Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
Medium dog breeds/ S/ Ireland
Terrier medium size strong. It is very similar to the Kerry Blue Terrier, but the...
Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Medium dog breeds/ I/ Ireland
That you have, such as juvenile cataracts and retinal dysplasia, eye disease congenital because there...
Japanese Site:Dog breeds originating in Ireland(9)