Golden Retriever
Large dog breeds

Origin: | Uk |
Size Type: | Large dog breeds |
Height: | 22-24 inches (56-61 cm) |
Weight: | 29-34 kg |
Form of ear: | Lop-eared |
Form of a tail: | Drooping tail |
Life span: | 11-13 years |
Japanese Site: | Golden Retriever |
Early 19th century, became popular as game hunting in England and Scotland, asked for a hunting bird dog can come bring fast movement but also land in the water. Water Spaniel and Setter So Curly Coated Retriever and the hybrid, it is said that the golden retriever was eventually Tsukuri出Sa. This dog is a natural ability to collect, combine rice keen sense of smell, and also be willing to swim in any weather, a popular hunting dog comes home bring their amphibious. Demonstrate superior ability in obedience training as well in field trials. In July 1977, the American Kennel Club obedience contest was the first time, Three Dog Champion elected head was all golden retriever.
Strong, have a balanced body. The short straight back, long tail nature. Is a broad flat skull, deep beak widely, almost the same length of skull. Ear medium in size, is located behind the lateral part slightly drooping. Eye color is dark brown, black eye rim. Have a soft look at intelligent. Court thick, soft, water-shedding is often reasonable. Heart, forelimb, eye, tail and lower abdomen are particularly blessed with bushy Court. Part of the hair ornament is a little darker than others.
Gentle and affectionate. Carefully, as the ideal playmate for children and other animals. Friendly and loyal to their owners. Very clever quiet.
Beautiful shiny gold
How to Care & How to Train
Thick coat to keep clean, brush and shampoo every need. Since double coat, or to moisture and then leave you wet, and will stain the skin, it may cause skin disease, dry carefully.
Requires at least 2 hours of exercise a day. Good take out to the suburbs.
Disease to be careful
Allergic skin disease, cataracts, cancer, hip dysplasia, entropion of the eyelid syndrome, allergies, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Disease that can be seen occasionally
Gastric torsion, epilepsy
Inspection want to
Hip examination, examination of the elbow joint