Small dog breeds

Origin: | Mexico |
Size Type: | Small dog breeds |
Height: | 6-9 inches (15-23 cm) |
Weight: | 3 kg |
Form of ear: | - |
Form of a tail: | - |
Life span: | 14-18 years |
Japanese Site: | Chihuahua |
About the origins of the Chihuahua is a small dog breed most controversy is not always constantly among the dog . There are a variety of theories , but the theory of two is particularly potent . One of them is the theory there is originated in China Originally , the dog was China Nii is brought to the New World by traders Spanish , that has led to Chihuahua current year, crossed with small dogs of local was in the New World . The theory of one another , in the land of origin , Latin America is not barking dog theory of compact, had for a long time called " Techichi " that 's ancestor dog . This " Techichi " , because it was believed that dogs of small reddish brown , and will lead to Hades the souls of the dead , in the religious ritual of Toltec tribe was the indigenous people of this land , from time to time , and sacrifice had been . Toltec tribe , will be conquered by the Aztec empire , but before long , people domesticated Techichi in the family since then , it seems to have been buried with the dead as a sacrifice if the dead came to family . Aztec also Toltec tribe Since both had with the dog food together , were some dogs that are edible Some of Techichi . From these situations , the life of the Techichi many did not give too long , but while alive , seems to have been very important to the family and monks . Perhaps , it is believed the origin of Chihuahua , whether there was no such thing as a combination of the theory of the two Latin American origin theory and China origin theory . Is that it is the origin of the Chihuahua and Techichi who was a long time in Latin America , came from China , a small dog with no hair that was put together over Deki , it has become the dominant theory now . However , it comes If this theory is as correct, when did breeding such as they were made , the discussion is not exhausted yet . It is also possible a long time ago , that it was brought to the New World dog native to China is across the Bering Strait , the possibility that it was brought by traders Spain does not rule out . 16 century , the Aztec empire is conquered by Cortez of Spain , dog who lost his master who is left behind , I now must be Ika live by the power of only their own . 1850 which stood about 300 years later , a small dog was discovered in Chihuahua , Mexico very of three horses . The little dog was brought to the United States as much as several animals , but the popularity did not gather too much at that time . However , since the musician Xavier - Cugat was famous is called the king of rumba is , came out in Tsureda~tsu in front of the public often , a Chihuahua that had been kept as pets , the popularity of Chihuahua decided to rise at once were . And , its popularity has continued for ever still .
Chihuahua has a figure while being petite and elegant, athletic. A little longer than the body height, cautious attitude of terrier and cheeky expression is characterized by the body length. Stride is not very large, but quickly, I want lilt with the force. Smooth and soft type of short hair shiny, straight or soft, there is a long type with the hair decoration on the edge of the ear long hair wavy.
In not know what scary, dachshund breed is curious. I love hunting, I like that you dug a hole, and you can dive into the ground by chasing prey or smell. It is a dog a strong independent spirit basically, but it also has one side that If you get into that and try to something in the family, wants to participate in together. That families with young children with you should live well, but may become aggressive suddenly a child I met for the first time. Be a nervous stranger to many, but some dogs would bark Nakaniwa. Long type, quality of being a terrier is small relatively quiet, wire type is sociable than other types. In addition, the dog with a timid nature also seen Some of the miniature type.
How to Care & How to Train
Dachshund Because it is a lively breed , you can take a walk , let's let them exercise a lot by playing in the square . Because it is better to force adaptation , you can get used quickly to life in the apartment building and life in the city . That said, Hunter soul is still alive and well , I like very much that you or search for food in the wilderness . If a region with a warm climate , it is also possible to live outdoors , but it is ideal 'll prepare it in the room in place to sleep . Let's give you a minimum of grooming to smooth type . The long type , and give to the combing or brushing of 1-2 times a week , let's trimming as necessary . The combing or brushing about once a week , wire type , you may want to trim as necessary . Twice is necessary ( to unplug the hair by hand ) stripping a year .
Disease to be careful
Cleft palate, Izumi-mon patency, patella luxation, eye disease, hypoglycemia
Disease that can be seen occasionally
Inspection want to
Heart function tests, joint inspection