American Foxhound
Large dog breeds

Origin: | America |
Size Type: | Large dog breeds |
Height: | 22-25 inches (56-64 cm) |
Weight: | 10-11 kg |
Form of ear: | - |
Form of a tail: | - |
Life span: | 10-13 years |
Japanese Site: | American Foxhound |
History of the American Foxhound breed can say the best American native, landed a record begins with fox hunting hounds from England for 1650. In the United States around 1700, that followed the fox hunting hounds while riding was a popular pastime of the upper class people. He loves this fun first American president George Washington, like fox hunting was a pastime for the well. This breed, England, France, by multiplying the sophisticated breed imported from Ireland or from 1850 are now all be recorded in the pedigree of American Foxhound. At the same time, South America, the sport of hunting will spread even among people who live in the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee in particular. Hunters will find the fox in his pursuit can bring down and wanted to want a long-legged dog. Also, these dogs, as well as fox hunting, deer hunting also asked its ability. Ingurisshu than Foxhound, American Foxhound has become a sleek body lines, we divided into several different lineage. The most famous among them was, "Walker Hound" was. This breed "Tennessee Lead" has been called a hunting dog was born. Traders to trade a living dog, from deer hunting ground, "Tennessee Lead" steal a hunting dog and the dog was called one, is said to have started when I sold the muffin man named George Washington. He uses the dog Muffin, will run faster than the Foxhound breed, give birth and then I managed to head a great many hounds ran better show (from him after his achievements, the "Father of Foxhound" will be called.) Flow of this breed, will be recorded in detail by the Walker brothers, who this dog is partly for this reason it came to be called after the Walker hound. The Foxhound is also the "Trig" "Goodman" "July", "Calhoun", "Hudspeth" There is blood minus the blood of dogs with names like. These dogs are in the process of reproduction, and improved run speed, and can refine the look for the show went rapidly highlight its expertise. Dogs running speed improved, especially as the dog field events from there, we are pursuing a different professional groups or as a hunting dog. In general, the running speed and endurance, jumping ability, also an excellent sense of smell and, combines the ability to group hunting dog hunting as part of a group, are considered the prototype of Foxhound. American Foxhound, registration numbers are not much, but one of the early AKC registered breeds were. Foxhound does not match the popularity of low population register, is utilized as part of a group Foxhound Many hunters have said one of the AKC is not show much interest due to registration. These dogs are registered in the studbook are professional Foxhound has already been published by Chase in particular "international studbook Fox Hunter" is conspicuously stands out for registration. American Foxhound Thus, in America, "people in the know" this is the most popular dog breed.
American Foxhound has a long slender legs rather than the Foxhound Ingurisshu skeleton, and now the lower back arched slightly and are bound to be part of the hind leg bones and bone. This increased elasticity can still run in the wrong place at great speed scaffolding can fully exercise their hunting skills. Sniffing the scent of prey and begins to bark out loud with a unique track. The lenient attitude is always characterized by an appealing look. The fur of the firm, covers the entire body of moderate length.
Esky is very active and smart, the dogs that always wants to please their owners. I love having fun, it makes a very obedient dog and companion. Inherit the characteristics of the system Spitz, vigorous independence, but also has side stubborn little, and rather, quiet but within the system Spitz, is said to have descended from the dogs behave well behaved . In addition, strong in the cold, among the cold weather running around happily. Children and other dogs, pet associates with intimate relations, and breeds all kinds of people behave in a social basis.
How to Care & How to Train
Esky energetic dog so every day should be enough exercise. I like to play games on the garden, I'll be happy to walk short. Esky standard, if the location of the temperate regions and cool weather, but can also spend outdoors, miniature toy if you should live together in the room. It is covered with two layers of fur, brushing and combing is required about twice a week. Please remove unwanted hair hair loss often go give.
Disease to be careful
Disease that can be seen occasionally
Inspection want to
Blood test